A friend is working at a Silicon Valley AI startup...
# 02-general-community-chat
A friend is working at a Silicon Valley AI startup. They've built a AI platform that creates personalized offers that gets higher conversion rates. They're looking for more trial customers. Contact me and I'll put you in touch so you can learn more.
i can help
@jz jennyzhang hi. thanks for replying! talk with Ward Mullins, the CTO, at ward@edgeevo.com . he can give you details. -- andreas
hey, have you have time to talk with Ward? the software has good results. conversions are increased.
Feel free to share my contact info at initialsjz@gmail.com or LinkedIn @Andreas Ramos
@Andreas Ramos I just emailed Ward. Sorry it took a minute. I've been busy with my podcast. Do you know anyone who can speak on my #AIvideo podcast FounderDesignThinking.com? Else, would you benefit from my advice in AI product management? Chat with me https://cal.com/initialsjz Last, if you know anyone hiring, I want to use my experience launching AI products. As a product manager in gen video.