Has anyone come across a product which takes tweet...
# 02-general-community-chat
Has anyone come across a product which takes tweets from an account and summarizes / enables q&a based on what they have posted? i.e. character.ai with tweets as input. Context: "For now" tab on twitter bubbles interesting anon accounts regularly, but how to get a sense of them without going through 1000s of posts in their history. 🤔
have a product similar to this cooking internally, still very early but if you want to help contribute lmk!
I'd love to - I was looking to use one or build one if couldn't find it.
dope I’ll shoot you a DM
👌 2
From what I've seen the hardest part of launching a product like this is the twitter api pricing. $42K/month as the entry level for twitter API usage makes it pretty hard to either bootstrap a product or demonstrate product market fit.
yep definitely agree there
Indeed - that will be a problem if wanted to go freemium route. I was originally imagining a perplexity like browser extension - that can scroll load tweets and go from there maybe - which can't handle javascript website crawling well atm. https://twitter.com/siteshps/status/1673576148465512449