We are excited to announce our first Stanford <htt...
# 03-ai-events
We are excited to announce our first Stanford CS25 V4 Transformers social event, this Thursday (May 2) at 6:30pm PDT after lecture on Stanford Campus at EVGR Pub & Beer Garden (716 Serra St, Stanford, CA 94305)! Come enjoy food and drinks while you get to know other folks who are interested in anything Transformers. This event is open to everybody, so feel free to drop by if you are in the Bay Area, and to invite anybody else! If you are interested, please fill out this interest/RSVP form so we know how much to feed you. We look forward to seeing you all there! Our talk this Thursday (May 2) at 4:30pm PDT will be by Jake Williams from Drexel University about Transformers that Transform Well Enough to Support Near-Shallow Architectures (more details on our course website). He will be in person, so please come to Gates B01! Otherwise, join our Zoom livestream here. Join our Discord server (over 4000 members) to keep up-to-date, and check out our course website for more info.
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