The first lecture of our Stanford <https://web.sta...
# 02-general-community-chat
The first lecture of our Stanford CS25 V4 Transformers course is now released! Check it out


We gave a brief intro and overview of the history of NLP, Transformers and how they work, and their impact. We also discussed recent trends, breakthroughs, applications, and remaining challenges/weaknesses of Transformers. Lastly, Div talked about AI agents. This is a super useful lecture for those who want a more broad overview of Transformers and the field right now! Slides are here. We had a full room (approx. 200 folks in the audience) and over 300+ on Zoom! P.S. Lectures are on Thursdays at 430 550pm PDT at Gates B01 and through Zoom, open to all. Talks will be recorded and released ~2 weeks after each lecture to the same YouTube playlist. We also have a “Transformers community” Discord server (over 4000 members). Check out our course website for more info!
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