Great to see the Cerebral Valley community growing...
# 07-self-promotion
Great to see the Cerebral Valley community growing and looking forward to exchanging notes and learning from all of you. To introduce myself, I am Niraj, Founder of SproutsAI. We are focused on building GenAI Agents and the middleware for enterprise. Our first AI Agent, "which is in production and being used by 40+ companies", to automate end to end recruiting: from generating a very contextual job description to the interview (and everything in between). Our recruiting agent can source and screen qualified candidates within 48 hours from billions of profiles and millions of interview questions. Our Agent can join a video meeting and autonomously do conversation with the prospects for initial screening as well as the low skill hiring. I would love to demo it to any of you, who would be interested in learning more about either our platform, Agents or just want to have general conversation. We are also in the scaling mode and deploying our product to more customers and we would appreciate any intros/connections/feedback. Also, if I can be of any help, please feel free to reach out. I am happy to brainstorm any idea, how did we raise our funding, how did we find our 1st customer to PMF, Thank you again and I am looking forward to engaging and contributing to the community.
Hey @Niraj Rai… you’ve got an incredible background. @Greg Schoeninger and I would love to catch up. Will DM.
Thanks @Scott Howard Would love to connect and chat, how can we help each other.