Would anyone be interested in a low-key tinker fes...
# 04-coworking
Would anyone be interested in a low-key tinker fest? I like just messing around and learning/teaching stuff and I'm wondering if anyone else likes that kind of thing. Think whiteboarding with some prototyping if we're interested. No goals or objectives, just playing around with all the things we find interesting! Not sure what a good space for it would be. I'd love a whiteboard or something but I can't think of anywhere I'd find that. Anyway lmk if you'd be interested in something like that!
100% I would. I'm currently working out of a coworking space in central SF on Market St, and we have whiteboards here
🔥 3
🎉 1
Checkout Newton in Hayes
Newton seems awesome
@Cameron Pfiffer Let me know if you're doing it