Hi everyone! My friends and I made an AI system th...
# 07-self-promotion
Hi everyone! My friends and I made an AI system that talks on the phone for you. Opencall is our attempt to see how AI can take on routine phone tasks. It’s easy to make it do tasks very reliably while being super lightweight and fast. You can: • Get a phone number and hook it up to a custom agent • Take hundreds of calls on that number 24x7. • Automatically collect data from those calls • Serve real-time data to the caller during the calls • Trigger API calls for third party integrations We’re offering personalized setup for anyone who wants to try it out and talk with us through their use-case. We're trying to see what kind of practical applications we can use our AI on and we'd appreciate any feedback (feel free to DM me)! Website: opencall.ai Demo (Ophthalmology Office Receptionist): Call +1(650) 651-4460
Great product! How is it different from https://bland.ai/ ?
@윤희상 we are hand crafting agents for longer enterprise workflow and that can trigger API calls to 3rd party integrations; we're helping people do it without coding (esp since our current clients have no technical background) they're requiring people to write the prompts themselves, add in the agents into their own code, and they're on their own to figure out integrations; if you notice, their demos are all really short because it runs into issues the longer you go
Oh didn’t know that! Thanks for the answer. Is your service focused towards customer support and B2B sales? Or do you have a more B2C, character-like phone calls in the roadmaps as well? We may integrate this sort of AI phone calling feature in our product in the future, so I’ll keep opencall in mind as API options 👍
we're mainly focused on customer support + B2B yep but we have a few B2C customers using a spam call screener agent (agent talks to someone to check if it's not spam or soliciting before forwarding to actual person) sounds good! bit curious-- what product are you currently focusing on?
Thanks for the info! I’m a medical doctor, building an AI endocrinologist app for type 2 diabetes, and we’re thinking about adding voice coaching over the phone.