<http://Events.com|Events.com>'s friends and famil...
# 07-self-promotion
Events.com's friends and family pre IPO allocation Hi Cerebral Valley Community : ) I have been approved to make available the last few slots in my company Events.com's friends and family pre IPO allocation before we go public at Nasdaq this year. Practically you have the chance to buy at the 2020 company valuation. You buy now at $1.67/share, the price will go up with the last pre-IPO round to $4.88 in a couple of weeks. I put together an all-in-one offer here https://docsend.com/view/ht3m48anvyd2dq97 – if you are interested, I suggest to watch the video inside the document and FAQ link that contains useful information and timeline. Happy to help, and feel free to connect with me regardless, Paolo Privitera https://www.linkedin.com/in/paoloprivitera/ https://linqapp.com/pppaolo