Anyone here a twilio expert? Dealing with a simple...
# 06-technical-discussion
Anyone here a twilio expert? Dealing with a simple Ngrok issue that I have tried about 500 different ways to fix and Twilio keeps giving me a 403 error (No it's not my .env keys)
Did you check the
external address? You need to do it each time you restart ngrok server because the external address will change.
Yeah I did that already. also used http://localhost:4040/inspect/http to inspect the ngrok tunnel @Vishwanath Seshagiri
I keep getting a 403 error and I have no clue why. I have reworked it so many different ways
Then I don’t know, usually I’ve not changed the external address
No I changed it just copy and pasted into the webhook in twilio and then add my route at the end /route
Its a flask application, I am wondering if it has to do with .env keys but they are accurate. Unless I need to store them in a specific way for Twilio
Can you post the error that you have? Do you see the request come through on ngrok?