Hey everyone :wave:, We at <Pinecone> are all ear...
# 07-self-promotion
Hey everyone 👋, We at Pinecone are all ears when it comes to your feedback, and we’re taking it up a notch! We’ve carved out a cozy corner in our forums called “Feature Requests” to hear about all the cool features you think should be on our radar for upcoming releases 🚀. Whether you have a fresh idea or find someone’s post that resonates with you, jump in! Feel free to like, comment, and make some noise around the suggestions you love 💬. Your input is the key ingredient in making Pinecone the go-to vector database. So, let’s get the conversation rolling and keep making Pinecone amazing together 🌲. Thanks a bunch and can’t wait to see what brilliant ideas bubble up from this community! Cheers, Cory & The Customer Success Crew at Pinecone