Bay Area, Oct 5. Seeking co-living or co-working s...
# 02-general-community-chat
Bay Area, Oct 5. Seeking co-living or co-working spaces for founder/builder at least for one month. Background: Experienced entrepreneur who scaled a blockchain firm in Korea to $10M revenue. Now focusing on AI, leading AGI Town in Seoul, a hub for 300+ AI professionals fostering innovation.
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Anyone finding a place to stay in a month in Bay. I am seeking a friend who would like to share one bed in this place from 5 Oct to 5 Nov.[…]=2&s=67&unique_share_id=fb065f6c-f4da-43ea-8eab-fc85bd0078f9 If you are interested in this, dm me.
Hey @Minseok Kim! It looks like there are three beds but it's only for 2 guests, any chance you've asked the host why that is and if you can bring 3? Might make it easier to split the costs
Hello, @Alex. I already found another roommate so I am seeking one more roommate.
Oh, I see, thanks for clarifying!
@Minseok Kim are you still looking for someone? I think I could be interested
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