Hi there, a community space called <The Commons> (...
# 07-self-promotion
Hi there, a community space called The Commons (www.thesfcommons.com) is recruiting new members (they recruit only 3x a year). Their vision & culture is a mix of intellectual / spiritual / playful and they attract builders, explorers (sabbaticals & researchers), artists, and spiritual & civic-minded folks. They have community-run programming focused on inner/personal development, meaning-making, and creative expression. It’s also just a dope space / community living room for anyone to co-work, vibe, lounge, etc. They’re looking for new members and I thought people here might be interested in joining their community. I know the organizers well and if you mention me in your application, they’ll be happy to prioritize your application. Apply here http://bit.ly/JoinTheCommons or feel free to email them with any Qs at thesfcommons@gmail.com or dm them on twitter https://twitter.com/thesfcommons