# 05-ai-news
https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2023/08/30/2023-18624/artificial-intelligence-and-copyright FYI the government copyright office is taking public input into AI and how it should be regulated in the future, regarding copyright, and will be up to October 18tth. Its very open ended. I know that there are a lot of top founders here, working on the latest and greatest stuff. So if you want to make your voice known, I think it would be very valuable. You can submit simple or long comments online on whatever it is that you have an opinion on related to AI any copyright law. And I know that "politics" can sometimes be "cringe" in the tech space, but this is the kind of stuff that a lot of people here could really contribute to, and the consequences of future legislation could either save or destroy many of the cools things we all here are working on.