Hey folks :wave: Are you a product manager or a pr...
# 07-self-promotion
Hey folks 👋 Are you a product manager or a prompt engineer? We just released a new tool with AI Hero that allows you to automatically version and test each variant of your prompt as you develop it! ✨PromptCraft✨ helps you effortlessly test and version each variant of your prompt right from your laptop. As it let's you move fast and iterate (including running a test suite) It's great for your next hackathon 🙌
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Going to give this a shot - I've been thinking about this problem a lot. So hard to build a good development process around stochastic prompts...
🙌 1
Thanks @Michael Daugherty let me know if you need help / hop on a call. Once you install AI Hero and have your auth - You can set up
aihero promptcraft completions
if you're using OpenAI's completions api or
aihero promptcraft chat_completions
if you're using the chat completions api.
Love the name!
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