Join us for an event on AI in Design in SF on Sat ...
# 03-ai-events
Join us for an event on AI in Design in SF on Sat May 20, 1 pm with Design Buddies, Krea, and Skilldeck! Make new friends in the design and AI space! Join us for networking, a series of lighting talks to share experiences, insights, and predictions about the future of AI in design. We are calling professionals and enthusiasts from various backgrounds – from AI researchers to founders and designers – to showcase the latest AI research, design tools, and practical applications of AI in design workflows. 🎉 RSVP: Also, we're interested in potentially collaborating with Cerebral Valley! I'm the Founder of Design Buddies and one time we hosted an event in SF with 200+ people showing up.
Hey Grace, are there still spots available, i would love to go. Thanks!