Hey guys, I just built the best interface out ther...
# 07-self-promotion
Hey guys, I just built the best interface out there to chat with your books/documents/papers 📚! Chat with a book, or entire Library, or group of books, create contexts and jump to exact page in the book to read more! Can upload up to 20,000 pages and all your books stay in cloud to reference anytime. Give it a try (https://myreader.ai) and would really appreciate some love on my product hunt launch: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/myreader-ai
👍 6
Very cool. My guess is you'll get better signal on likely paying customer usage if you add a pricing page and a data privacy or terms of service page (without any discussion of data retention/data use/etc. you're probably preventing any potential enterprise customer from evaluating your product).
True makes sense, thanks for the feedback!