So SF Design Week is coming up early June. The pro...
# 02-general-community-chat
So SF Design Week is coming up early June. The proposal deadline has been extended to Monday May 15th. Would love to bring the design community and engineering communities together for some kind of joint event on designing and build with AI. Any interest to co-host? @Ivan Porollo @Aqeel Ali SF Design Week: Service Design Network (we are a volunteer based organization, I'm 1/4 of the leadership team):
Yes i’d love to co-host.
We provide contextual design collaboration tools and have recently introduced AI to our toolset.
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Nice! Dming you @Rakesh Goyal. Context for others: I'm tentatively thinking of theme along the lines of: International Perspectives on Service and UX Design in the Age of AI. Up for pivoting/ refining. The key is to feature global perspectives (not just American). Our initial space partner - Btrax, is a Japan-American design agency, hence the theme was on Asian perspectives. Though they just fell through in terms of space conflict for client work, so we are looking for space partner and additional speakers and can open the theme up to be broader global perspectives.
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Happy to promote through our marketing channels @Mingzhu He!